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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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As women we are educated to do great things, only to be told to be quiet and change. As women we sacrifice our bodies, our careers, our...


How do we say goodbye? Is it formal with a handshake, a hug, a kiss? Is it through a Priest? With a blessing? How do we say goodbye? With...

Inside Out.

I have always lived on the inside out. What you see is what you get, even if it is ugly and vile or shining and beautiful. I wasn't born...

Coming Around Again.

Today, the Carly Simon song, Coming Around Again, was featured in a show I was watching. I stopped dead in my tracks, and suddenly could...

The Hamptons.

When I was a little under 2 years old, my parents took me away to their friend's house in the Hamptons. Their friend was tasked with...

The Death of Trust.

Once trust is killed in a relationship, can it come back? Once you have removed the very foundation, can you rebuild? How can you move...

Motherhood is Bizarre.

After running my dish washer today I noticed what looked to be a clump of food at the bottom of the basin. Upon further inspection, I...


It feels weird to say that word. Orphan. But that is what I am. An orphan. In the dictionary it defines an orphan as someone who has lost...


I am a history lover. I am especially interested especially in World War II. I will eat and drink up books and documentaries on the...

Birthday Parties.

Growing up my Mom always made a big deal out of my birthday. One year it was at a Salon, another a chocolate maker came to my house. She...


For years I tried to be a stepford wife. I was pretty sure I was damn near close. Not perfect by any means, but near. The monogrammed...

One Room Schoolhouse.

As if my stress levels couldn't be high enough, let's make all kids have school at home. Virtually. I have begun to despise the word...


A massive part of parenting is pretending we know what we are doing. Especially with the first child. We are all clueless. Considering...


Truth is, I have burned enough bridges this past year to last a lifetime. Truth is, I am in the weeds. Circling the drain. Drowning and...


It is amazing how underrated compliments are. My kids bus driver called me "Hollywood" the other day. Two days ago, at CVS, a woman said...

Silence is Golden.

After years and years of screaming, I am trying to use quiet. After running and trying to ring every Church bell, I am going to try...

Season of Me.

What happens when you take a look in the mirror? I see a tired, exhausted woman, but I see a small sparkle being restored in her eyes. A...


I am done being called crazy. Finished. Terminated. Concluded. I am done with being told that my feelings are unjust, and invalidated, by...


As I look back to move forward, I realize I was never a priority. I was along for the ride. At his mercy. At his dictation. Engaging on...


As much as I try to put on a good "face," I feel ugly. Horrid. Disgusting. Hideous. My tear stained face, a mess. A face unwanted....

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