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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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The tears I have cried this year could fill a swimming pool. Salty, bitter, sour, acidic tears. Today, I heard my Son wailing. He just...

Checked Out.

Once my Mother died, the veil lifted. After years of feeling torn in a million directions, I checked back into my marriage, only to find...


It is an awful feeling to go unnoticed. To go unseen. To feel invisible. To feel so unattractive and repulsive. That you begin to...

The Concord Cafe.

Somewhere in this journey of motherhood I came to be the proprietor of a restaurant. Concord Café. I enjoy cooking. I do not however,...

The Flight.

Once I had a full time job and had graduated from college, my Mom decided we needed another adventure. She had decided we would spend a...

The City of Lights.

When I was 11, my Mother organized our first trip as a family, to Europe. After my Mom graduated college, she spent a year traveling...

Stolen Consequences.

Have you ever stolen something? If you answered no, you might want to think again. Sometimes, when we love someone so much, we steal...

Billy Goat.

I don't know the exact day. But at some point I decided to grow chin hairs. I am not sure when my body decided this, but it did. As a...

FAO Schwartz.

Every year on my birthday, my Mom and I would make the trek to the famous FAO Schwartz toy store on 5th avenue. Even as I type this, I am...

The Upper East Side.

The Upper East Side holds a very special place in my heart. I spent a great deal of my youth roaming her streets, trying to get to know...

The Butterfly.

Many years ago I went and got myself a tattoo. When my Mother saw it, she contemplated taking a saw and cutting my wrist off. I also...

A Foust Thing.

My achilles heal is laundry. 100% I hate doing laundry. DESPISE IT. Dirty clothes cover my basement floor like a carpet. My aunt visited...

Antique Roadshow.

My Grandmother has fabulous taste, and as such I grew up loving all of her various antiques and collections. In fact, it was from her, I...


On March 20th, 2010, after completing a 30 mile bike ride, my Father collapsed, and died of a massive coronary. On April 15, 2020, my...

The Fire.

When I was three, our apartment caught fire in the early morning hours. It is a memory I will never forget. I can't erase it. It is...

Taking It Back.

After a decade of taking care of everyone else, I have made the decision that I am going to finally take care of me. I am going to take...

A True Renaissance Man.

As I am mourning the loss of my Mother, I find myself remembering my Dad. He was the jack of all trades. My Grandmother, his Mother, who...


At the tender age of 1, my parents started bringing me to Maine. We lived in the Bronx. Somewhere in the New York Times they found an ad...


I was introduced to Newport, Rhode Island, as a child by my parents. My father loved sailing and being on the water. So much, we actually...


I have noticed I may have single handedly saved the economy with my online shopping during the pandemic. One of my favorites, GROUPON....

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