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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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The Couch That Crossed The Ocean.

Once our beloved family room sectional appeared to be on its last legs, I dove into the world of researching couches. I knew we wanted a...

Projector Screen Forehead.

My Dad not only blessed me with a thumb, he was so overly generous, he gifted me with his gigantic forehead as well. Thanks Dad! My...

The Baker.

This morning my middle child requested we bake cookies, since it was included in her gifts from Santa. I DESPISE baking. I am also an...

The Journey.

I started writing at the suggestion of my therapist. She found my tales interesting enough to write a book. But I thought this would be a...


As I sit here on the eve of New Year's Eve, I am lamenting. Years ago I got my Mom a sign I found and it said, " I don't mind change as...

Trash or Treasure.

On mega trash day, you can be assured that I will be stopping if I see something good. Actually, you can be assured I will slow down if I...


Can we be so damaged by our past, and so worried about our futures, that we forget the present? It can be very hard to put away negative...

Living Alaska.

My hours these days are bizarre. I often find myself awake at odd times. That also has me watching tv, and A LOT of it. I have discovered...

High and Low.

After the highest high I have had in awhile I got a phone call yesterday that knocked the wind out of my sails, and set my ship on fire....


Where was I at 7 am this morning? At the grocery store. No it wasn't because I have my shit together and was going shopping for our...

The Stairs.

I like to play a game with my family that I call, The Stairs. One problem. I am the only one playing. I put things on my stairs as a...

The Toe Thumb.

The thumb on my left hand looks like my Mother's and is "normal." On my right hand it looks as if a baby's toe was amputated, and...

A Whales Vagina aka San Diego.

A dear friend of mine has often been my travel buddy, and as such, I am sure we have shared much shame, but also some EPIC stories. When...


It was throughout the course of my time abroad in Italy that I truly began to understand the concept of suggestion and a new way of...


Growing up my parents invited all my Dad's music friends that either didn't have family around, or that they viewed as kin, over for...

Hope Springs Eternal.

There is something about winter, the cold, how it gets darker earlier, that lends itself to making this time of year depressing. Add in a...


I find myself wandering throughout my house, often. I find myself asking where a variety of items have gone. You see, my children are...

The Dishes Are Done Man.

I am convinced my dishes fornicate like a bunch of bunnies when I turn my back. Why do I say this? Because like Gremlins, they multiply....

Children and Loss.

This morning my son came downstairs, sobbing. He had just been in virtual school, I had no clue what could have happened. What, what? I...

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