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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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I have found when we are knocked down, we can't just get back up, we need to crawl first. We need cheerleaders to help us crawl, and to...

My Grandmother.

I had the pleasure of chatting with my grandmother today. And yet once again it inspired me to write. So here you go. My grandmother is...


I had the time of my life once I got to college. After spending years feeling all proper and buttoned up in the Upper East Side private...


Life for me this year has seemed to kick me when I am down, AGAIN and AGAIN. Just when I think things can't get any worse, God seems to...


My Dad was extra. My Mom was extra. I am extra. When I do something, anything, I do it 150%, EXTRA. When my Dad decided to take up bike...

The Toliet Seat.

I am CONVINCED there is a button embedded in my toliet seat. Every time one of my cheeks hits it, it is a bat signal to my children that...

Another Year, and NOT Another Card.

I remember after my son was born, my Dad and I did a complete photo shoot of my son dressed up like Santa. I happily addressed a...

Legally Blonde.

After I graduated college with a triple major, I had no idea what I really wanted to do. I got an internship with a non profit in...

Long December.

For some odd reason I have begun to listen to Counting Crows again for the first time since high school. Once I reheard Long December, I...


Since we are all in this pandemic together, we are all facing a new normal, and some of us more than ever. The one thing I have found...

The Season of Me.

At some point, I realized within the time frame of the birth of my three kids, I had become them. I had to. They needed me to become...

How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall? Practice.

I was a senior in college when my Dad called me and told he he had been working on a special new project. He went on to divulge he would...

The Minivan.

Growing up it was just the three of us, which made it THAT MUCH HARDER to understand why my Dad drove a minivan. It was a white Chrysler...

Pandemic Parenting.

My parental style during this pandemic can be best summed up by the late Marie Antoinette when she said, "Let them eat cake." Something...

Frugal Much?

My parents constantly kept the house at 65 in the winter, and I had to BEG to get our window unit AC units put in in the summer. My...

Vidal Sassoon? Who is that?

I am a hair dressers worst nightmare. In a pandemic? I might as well be Satan himself. You see I am impatient. I love me a good dose of...

23 and me.

As with everything else, this pandemic has me online shopping like never before. That day a few weeks back, was no different. As I...

Ikea and Ancestry.

A few years back when the whole ancestry thing became popular I asked for the DNA kit for Christmas. When I lived in Italy, I found great...


It has been 7 months since my mother has passed and I have yet to intern her with my father. In fact there has been no formal service at...

The Last Great American Family.

A few years ago while in Cape May, one of our favorite places in the summer, we went to our favorite restaurant, at the request of my...

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