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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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We Are Pencils.

Recently I found myself watching a fascinating and invigorating documentary. Just kidding, I was watching Tik Tok. (See previous blog for...

New Level Lazy.

I am always striving to break records. Mind you, I never mentioned they were ones I should boast about, or be proud of. I just like to be...


I was watching a documentary the other day and it was about two star crossed lovers who ended up murdering her parents. A coming of age...

Make Your Mark.

What are we putting into the universe? Why are we here? Who are we? It's not as much about how we live, as much as it is, how we make...

Lefties For The Right Knowledge.

Left handed people are unsung heroes. We are out there fighting crimes, injustice, and battles every day. OK maybe not as much as I make...

Who Cares?

As I have started this whole thing, apparently referred to as, 'the aging process', I have begun to realize how much I care less and less...

Who You Are, Were, And Can Be.

Don't be afraid. Don't be stupid. Don't be unaware. Don't be a dunce. Be proud, within reason. But look the fuck around. Know your...


Don't be a noun. Be a verb. An adjective. Be anything but fixed. Let go of being obvious, dull, and molten. Let people go, who do not...

Rice Krispies.

If you wake up and stretch, do you hear noises? Shit. You are screwed. JK or am I? Let me explain... When I wake up, I don't even need to...


When you hold something... Initially, the weight doesn't matter. I would call this, the commencement phase. Yet, the longer you possess...


I own a couple of "doggos" as my kids would say. The only thing is, they aren't exactly emotional support dogs. I think they are the...


Life serves to teach. But sometimes these lessons suck. Sometimes they sting. They hurt. Literally and figuratively. After my recent...

Be The Good.

Recently I have had some health issues. Which is a serious understatement. That being said... It has led me to doctors visits above and...


Sometimes we need to lose people to find ourselves Sometime we need to lose ourselves to figure it out . Figure ourselves out. Losing it,...

Travel 104.

I can't seem to take my children away without some sort of epic story. I'm pretty sure at this point I should make it clear that I have...

Living Through Loss and Grief.

Perhaps because we just celebrated Mother's Day and Father's Day, I have found myself missing my parents more than ever recently. They...

Stolen Opportunities.

Don't let anyone steal your opportunities. Make sure YOU choose your options. FIGHT for what YOU want. However, do it wisely. We are all...

Right Direction.

What is the "right direction" in which our lives should advance? What makes us know how we should proceed, or conversely not, in living...

Solitary Confinement.

Quite frankly this pandemic fucked A LOT of shit up. It divided and conquered us in more ways than one. And some of those lost...

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