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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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Finding My Voice In A New America.

Today as I was shopping in a popular big box store, I witnessed something horrendous. On more than one level. I was taking a look at some...

From Down To Earth To Digital.

It seems that on a dime we went from in person, to virtual everything, before we even got a chance to blink. Having the friendly...

The Parent Trap.

I was recently reminded that the hardest part of parenting, is just that, PARENTING. Saying no, disciplining, and occasionally letting...

Deja Vu All Over Again.

This past weekend I was invited to a special service honoring all those who had died in 2020, and weren't able to hold services for their...

Kids Today Are Soft.

I was watching a movie with my youngest tonight, when she mentioned something about the Mother in the movie, and how she was lucky I...

49th Anniversary.

Today would have been my parents 49th wedding anniversary, I mentioned to my girls this morning, as we waited for the bus. To which my...

Truth and Lies.

Why is it so hard for some people to tell the truth? And when caught, fight tooth and nail to defend it? Make you feel like you are the...

Nice Things.

I enjoy doing nice things for my children. They in turn, enjoy making me regret that decision. I read that quote years ago, and it hasn't...


When I feel distraught or overwhelmed, I seem to have two speeds. Get after it with vengeance. Or to put it more simply, shut down and...


No one informs you about the yelling that comes with parenthood. And that's not even the kids. Just the parents. You find yourself...

Kids And Garbage.

My kids turn into the kids from Bird Box when they need to find a trash can. Just so you are all aware, I have a waste basket, IN EVERY...

My Mother.

My Mother didn't raise a domestic goddess, I became one with her help, but much later in life. So what did she raise? A warrior. A...

Not Ready.

In all brutal honesty, I am not ready to be parentless. Some days being so much more difficult, than others. Today was one of them. I...

Death and Separation.

Last year I endured so many changes, I lost count. It saw the death of my mother due to covid. The division of my marriage. The loss of...

Forget Waterboarding.

I recently just came upon a revelation. Forget waterboarding and other torturous ways of getting information. Put any suspect in a room...


When we are weak, and exposed, and ask for assistance, it is how we are reacted to, that speaks volumes about those around us. It is how...

The Nothing.

I love the movie, The Never Ending Story. I feel that motion picture in my soul. It features an escape for one, and an expedition for...

New Bedroom.

One of my adorable cherubs declared today that they were sick and tired of sharing a bedroom. I promptly responded with, "no problem!" "I...

Bad Days.

I have found myself missing my mom a lot these days. Yet, it is on my bad days, I seem to miss my mom the most. My go to. The one who...


If you have kids, you know this term well. And today, was full of them. I was almost a victim of one myself today, in dealing with...

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