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Welcome to 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me., a unique blog here for you to explore. 2020 The Year That Nearly Killed Me. has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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The Deli Counter.

If you only have one hour left to live, go to your local supermarket, and try ordering some cold cuts. I GUARANTEE it will feel like five...

Mothers and Daughters.

There are no relationships I can think of, more complex, than that between a mother and her daughter. It is one, that is very much filled...

Trading In And Trading Up.

I have recently decided that I am ready to trade in. To trade up. I am ready for a new life. I am done with being shamed, I am ready to...


Living with a creative person is akin to living in organized chaos. At times, totally unorganized chaos. But endless change. A creative...


There is something refreshing about the fall. The trees being set on fire with color. The air turning crisp. The need for extra warmth. A...

The House.

My childhood home is a very complex story. One that brings joy, and conversely, so many tears, that I get choked up. The stories it...

Smart Phones Are Creating Stupid People.

With smart phones, has come the privilege of supreme secrecy. And with the covertness it allows, it has given many, perhaps too many,...


I very rarely, if ever, get political. Especially when it comes to social media. Good God, it will get you cancelled. God forbid. But I...

The Death of Parents.

My therapist recently shared an article with me about just how traumatic it is to lose our parents. Even as "adults". I use quotes...

Setting The Stage.

We all need boundaries. We all need to feel safe in our spaces. So we set the stage. Organize the cast. Review everyone's role. ...


There are few things I despise more than liars. The only thing that could potentially top it? Murderers. Yet both share something eerily...


How many chances does someone deserve? How many times can we be shown the truth before we believe it? When will we believe our gut? How...


We are all hoarders. It just depends on what we stockpile. For some, perhaps, objects. Others, emotions. Habits. Behavior. The list goes...


If I am going to be tricked, I would rather it be by the devil I know. Than the one I don't. I would rather readjust my crown and look...

The Elegance of Refusal.

After many, far too many, years of putting myself last, I am ready to stand up for what I deserve. And with that, means learning to say...


Grief is tricky. It's not linear. It is quite possibly the most crooked line ever. It has no expiration date. In fact it never leaves. It...


There are few things more difficult in life, than to see someone you love flounder, decline, and become a shell of themselves. To see...

Studio Sessions.

Whenever my father had a recording session, he always tried to include me if he could. Even if it just meant making my way to the studio...

Backstage Pass.

I grew up in smoky NYC jazz clubs. The Jazz Standard, The Bluenote. Birdland. These clubs were dark, mysterious and reeked of sexiness....

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