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  • cynthiafoustvenner

12 Years.

12 years ago, my world changed.

12 years ago, I came to understand the true meaning of sorrow.

The sudden passing of my Dad, changed everything.


It catapulted me from a child, into a full blown adult, who needed to be in charge of more than I could have ever imagined.

I went from foot loose and fancy free, to making sure everyone in my world would be fully taken care of.

A job which, oddly enough I would have for another 12 years with regards to my Mom.

So on this first day of spring, and rebirth, I met death, and all that in comes with.

This month, and now April, went from a month long birthday celebration, to an odd mourning period of sorts.

I used to party the whole month of March and declare it my birth month.

Now, the month serves as the remembrance of the death of my Dad, and then my Mom, less than a month later.

So as the day stays brighter, and the temperature, warmer, take a second to appreciate all that is around, with the understanding nothing lasts forever.

I know today taught me that.

In one of the toughest lessons I have ever learned.



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