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  • cynthiafoustvenner


Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Why do things happen?

Why do we feel things are always happening to us?

MOREOVER, WHY do we end up feeling grateful for another persons suffering?

Because we are human.

It's shitty, but true.

We need to see another's hurt, failure, or loss, to look at our own fortune.

It is an awesome thing (and not in a good way) to see another fall apart, and suffer, in order to feel thankful for what we have.

And that is messed up, but true.

How many times have you caught yourself saying oh wow, did you hear so and so is getting a divorce?

Thank God we aren't them..


Awe did you hear so and so died?

Thank God we still have our...

But it's true.

It's life.

There is no one more grateful than someone who is watching someone's humanity and tragedy unfold right before their very eyes.

"Oh my God, she was so young!"

"They seemed so happy!"

"Can you believe it?!?"

Nothing unites people more than sympathy.



And yet nothing separates the one going through it, more than the others commiserating, that they don't have to.

And that, is more isolating than anything.

So please, just don't forget to be grateful, but also remember those who are in, the ugly mix, and not just yourselves.



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