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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Bad Days.

I have found myself missing my mom a lot these days.

Yet, it is on my bad days, I seem to miss my mom the most.

My go to.

The one who would hear me.

Not fix me.

Just listen.

Console me.

Be there.

Without condition.


Support me while I spoke my truth.

Gave my opinions, my voice, on any given matter.

Hold me up when all I want to do is crumble.

I have had some bad days recently, and yearned for that ear more than ever.

Desired that sympathetic mind.

And that was my mother.

To be honest I am sure with some exceptions, that is most peoples' mothers.

Their go to, on that bad day.

That consistent arm to lean on.

That hand to hold on to while navigating the unknown.

So don't ever forget to embrace yours.

One day you will forever miss it.

Especially when you aren't having a great day.

I know.



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