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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Be The Good.

Recently I have had some health issues.

Which is a serious understatement.

That being said...

It has led me to doctors visits above and beyond.

Recently while at yet another doctors appointment while I was checking in, a woman fell.

And ofcourse I ran over.

Even though I look ok, I am not.

But I wanted to help.

However, the last thing I can do is lift up a woman 3 times my weight.

But you know what I noticed?

NOT one employee at that health care facility got out of their chair to do a goddamn thing.

The people that lifted her up?

They were other patients, there to be seen for their own health issues.

I am scared and shocked to see what our society has come to.

Being yelled at.

Being accosted.



People suck.

But I am asking you, no begging you, to not be awful.

Observing that humanity is dying, is not only alarming, it's horrifying.

Come on people, be better.

Have compassion.



The world needs it.

Commands it and demands it.

And I can only hope that if you need help, you'll get it, but I am seriously doubtful, especially in the tri-state area, that you will.

Be better people.

The world needs it.

People deserve it.

And perhaps one day YOU will need it.



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