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  • cynthiafoustvenner


Do we fear boredom?

Or do we relish it?

Do we bathe in it, or do we loathe it?

Kids HATE boredom.

So much so, that they feel the need to tell you every time they experience it.

Adults not so much.

You never hear an adult say I'm bored.

Think about it.

When was the last time you heard another adult say they were bored, and if they did say it, said it like they were pissed about it.

It just doesn't happen.

So what happens between childhood and adulthood?

Well I am here to tell you it all boils down to a lot of crappy responsibilities.

And boom.

There you have it.

Adults have responsibilities and they are exhausting, so when we don't have to be responsible, we relish it.

Drink it in.

Ahhh, to do nothing.



Insert Oprah yelling, "You get to be bored, you get to be bored, you get to be bored!"

TIME TO DO NOTHING. For an adult this is the equivalent of being told,

"Buckle up, you're about to BE BORED SO ENJOY IT."

So the next time your child complains they are bored.

Make them do some dishes or vacuum.

Hell, tell them to go and figure out how pay your taxes.


The point here is...

I am sure they won't find the need to complain about their boredom as much.

Trust me.



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