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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Checked Out.

Once my Mother died, the veil lifted.

After years of feeling torn in a million directions, I checked back into my marriage, only to find out that my husband had checked out years ago, and I had not even noticed.

It was so subtle, but my gut knew.

My gut knew years prior, but I could not put my finger on it. I was so angry, so hurt, but I couldn't figure out why.

I was unloved.

For years I was angry with my Mother. I was furious actually, and once she died I was still angry, and resentful, but I couldn't figure out why.

I had been unloved for a long time.

That's when it dawned on me. I had not been loved in years. I wasn't cherished, I was convenient. He had been present, but not with emotion.

I had been so busy taking care of everyone and everything I had not noticed, I was not loved. In fact, I was despised. The signals were everywhere, and I had been blind.

My feeble attempts to be noticed were not only ignored, rebuffed.

No wonder why I was indignant.

I was in love with someone who didn't love me, and hadn't in a very long time.

This realization has left me devastated, broken, crying, crushed.

But I can't change the past.

As much as I want to, what's done is done.

I have to savor today, and pray for a better tomorrow.

I have to love me. Broken me, sad me, needs to be loved again.

So I will. I have to.



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1 Comment

Jan 20, 2021

Cynthia. There is a new life waiting for you. The hurt of divorce is often unbearable, but trust me you will find more happiness and it will be greater than you can ever imagine. Love you, Uncle John

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