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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Frugal Much?

My parents constantly kept the house at 65 in the winter, and I had to BEG to get our window unit AC units put in in the summer.

My parents actually kept the house so cold in the winter, I slept in my school uniform so I didn't die my death of cold, changing in my frigid bedroom. Oh you are cold? My Mom would say, "Then get a sweater."

My parents would also constantly say, "Why is this light on when no one is in here?!"

Again that good ol' karma was about to take a chunk out of my amptly sized behind.

When we bought our house I relished in the idea of putting the thermostat at 70, maybe even 71, if I was feeling frisky. I felt like William Wallace in Braveheart, FREEDOM!

That first cold month in our new house I may as well have put an umbrella in my drink. Ahhhh to be WARM after all those years being COLD. I almost put on a bathing suit to do household chores.

Then the bill came.

67 it is kids! And turn off the DAMN lights, did you get a job I don't know of to help pay the bills?

So now I find myself wandering the house in my robe like an old mafia boss, muttering things to myself, and occasionally yelling who left the light on?!? Or Why is this light on?! Oh and you're cold? Get a sweatshirt.

God Bless my parents. I hope that on this brisk almost winter day, they are sitting in a balmy 65 degree room somewhere all layered up, with the only lights on in the room they are in.

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