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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Getting It Right.

Sometimes in life, we are lucky enough to get it right the first time.

Other times, not so much.

But that is the beauty of living.

We can rectify, pivot, grow, and change.

Constantly evolve.


We don't need to merely accept our failures.

We can be taught and mature from them.

Use them as a steppingstone.

Each misstep, a chance to remind ourselves that perhaps it's time to charter a new course.

Allow those lapses in judgement to be the lesson, that we do not want to repeat.

And sometimes we have to be ok with the fact that we may need to make that very same mistake, twice, three times and even more, before we grasp what we have done, or even, what has been done to us, leading us to where we are.

Letting these mistakes and lessons be our guide to allow us to see where we need to go, and what we must do.

This is where it becomes hard.

Unbelievably difficult.

Do we stay where we feel we may not belong?

Remain somewhere we aren't sure is right?

Do we continue to pedal even though we may sense we aren't going anywhere?

Running in quicksand?

Or do we take the chance that there is something else out there that is meant for us?

Do we leave a seemingly sheltered zone, to see what is in the unknown?

Take the biggest leap of our lives?

Walk away?

In order to do this, we must ask ourselves, does our heart have enough of what it needs?

What it deserves?

What we want?

Should we stay somewhere we think is safe, only because it is comfortable?

Find that now is the time to put our lives on the scales.

Want vs. Need.

We only get one life.

One chance.

What do we want our legacy to reveal?

What do we want our love letters to say, to those who follow us after we are long gone?

What kind of endowment do we want leave behind?

What kind of life do we want?

What kind of model do we want to show to those we care about; for?

Are we capable of leaving behind a life as we know it, to see what else may be out there?

How we live, demonstrates who we are, what we want, and what we think we deserve.

How we exist, and the choices we make, is the gift (or lack thereof) we leave for those we care about once we have departed.

Each day, a fresh chance to make an impression, make a mark, and leave an effect.

Don't let those chances slip away.

Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone.

Sometimes, we need, want, and owe it to ourselves, to see how else we can live.

We are all owed a second chance.

We are all allowed to strive for respect, truth, love, happiness, and laughter.

And maybe, just maybe, during that journey, you might just find, a happy ending.

Don't be afraid.

You have nothing to lose.

Except yourself.



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