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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Kids And Garbage.

My kids turn into the kids from Bird Box when they need to find a trash can.

Just so you are all aware, I have a waste basket, IN EVERY ROOM IN MY HOUSE.

Yet these little people magically put blindfolds on, when they need to use them.

Not only that, they go through more care to HIDE the damn wrappers and garbage, than to get off their cute little butts and get to a trash can.

I will find an empty bag of chips wedged in between furniture DIRECTLY across from the garbage can.

I will find unfinished snacks and the like, carefully shoved under cushions and couches.

I have actually found uneaten snacks and wrappers in MY UNDERWEAR drawer.

Like WTF people.

My favorite one, is when they will place said empty boxes and bags, BACK into the cupboard.


So I guess my question is, when will it end?

Garbage Gate that is.

When will their blindfolds come off?

Will they ever?

Praying as we speak.



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