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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Living Alaska.

My hours these days are bizarre. I often find myself awake at odd times.

That also has me watching tv, and A LOT of it. I have discovered channels I never knew existed, shows I have never heard of.

I found a show called Living Alaska. It's on the Destination America channel. Yes, I assure you, both of these things exist.

This show is like House hunters, but for real badasses looking to move to Alaska.

This show has made me recognize how much I love people, and being close to civilization.

Did you know there are such things known as "dry cabins?"

There are people who, in 2020, CHOOSE to live without plumbing! People who see a heated outhouse as a luxury! People who don't have running water, and need to travel 20 miles into town to get some. One couple had to travel 30 minutes to bathe, at their local LAUNDRY MAT.

Sometimes you will catch the real estate agent openly carry a firearm on a house tour, to shoot "anything bigger than them."

I watched one time as a couple admired a house's onsite fish CANNERY.

I recall another couple seeing a property that included a hangar and a landing strip because you needed a plane to go anywhere.

On another episode, there was a property that was deemed attractive because it was connected to the road system.


Call me spoiled, because I am, but in my opinion, if you live further than 20 minutes from a Target or Homegoods, you may as well be living in Siberia.

The only thing getting canned around here is 2020.

I live up the block from my grocery store. In fact I have THREE in my town. I also proudly have BOTH a Burger King AND a McDonalds. I would also LOVE for a Taco Bell, but I digress.

As much as I have reconnected with the outdoors, I also like to know I can EASILY have a Whopper when I am done. As much as I think I am a badass, I am no Alaskan badass.

I like my toliet to be IN my house. I like to know I don't have to warm up the Cessna to grab some milk. I enjoy not having to travel to the laundry mat to wash my hair.

I am reminded of the line from Back to the Future where Doc Brown says, "where we are going

we don't need roads."

Well, where I am going (Costco), I do.

It's the little things kids, the little things.

Appreciate them all.



P.s. After three bottles of Draino, a mixture of dish soap and hot water, and a concoction of baking soda and vinegar, the toliet is still clogged. Had to admit to myself I can't always get her done, so I am going to call a professional today.

Thank GOD I am ON the grid.

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