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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Looking Into A Crowd.

Updated: May 25, 2023

I have recently become a "sport mom," and even I, have never realized how much my own parents supported me, sacrificed, and cheered me on.

My every meet, every game, every activity, every practice, they showed up, and cheered me on.

With abandon

Hell, they even signed me up.

I smiled today as my child called to see where I was, and to make sure I'd be there

He didnt take for granted my support, and better yet, actively saught it out.

And when I did arrive at the biggest meet of his life, my middle schooler saw me across the track and waved.

In front of 100's of on lookers.

Better yet, after he crushed his event, he surprised me by literally being the bigger person, and snuck in a hug while I watched other runners.

My son, looked into the crowd, and appreciated the view.

I don't think alot of people appreciate those who want better for them.

I can honestly say, I took that for granted growing up, and I'm sorry.

I would like to apologize to my parents for always being my biggest cheerleaders.

And to my son, thank you, for NOT taking it for granted.

Love you.

And congrats on an awesome season.

Don't worry, I will always be in the crowd, ready and waiting to cheer you on.

And I will ALWAYS cheer you on.

Even if it's annoying .

But forvever loving .

You are going to crush life.

Can't wait to watch!




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