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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Mowing With Tourette's.

I recently purchased an old school push mower without an engine.

Just good old fashioned muscle power, literally.

Hey, I was on a mission to save the environment.

Until, I wasn't.

I have now developed a low grade case of Tourette's when I mow.

Know why?

Every stick this mower can find, it does, and it manages to push said sticks to jam up the blade.

So, every 30 seconds, you are likely to hear me say, "are you fucking kidding me?!"

Until I inevitably give up, leaving my lawn looking like a patch work quilt.

I guess saving the environment, like so many other things, comes with a cost.

The price?

My sanity.

Isn't the road to hell paved with good intentions?

And well, if I am going to hell, I would like to have a freshly cut WHOLE lawn.


Going to Home Depot.



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