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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Nice Things.

I enjoy doing nice things for my children.

They in turn, enjoy making me regret that decision.

I read that quote years ago, and it hasn't left me.

Nor should it.

Not that it needs to, I am reminded nearly daily of it.

This latest adventure being proof that, no good deed goes unpunished.

From my nearly teenaged sons sarcasm, to my daughters going at it in a parking lot, like a scene from Bum Fights, over a jacket.

The endless whining.

One out of three looking utterly depressed at any given time, because their mother had carelessly and callously, taken them off on a vacation.

You would have guessed from their attitudes, that I had thrown them down a well, and were requesting that they put the lotion in the basket.

Why are kids such assholes?

I am surprised I wasn't found in a corner banging my head against the wall over and over again.

Paraded around the town in a straightjacket, with the scarlet letter, SP.

Shitty Parent.

I also remember reading a quote saying don't mind the mess, my children are making memories.

Well, I am altering that quote to say, don't mind the meltdowns, Mommy is just trying to make memories while not losing her goddamn mind.

This is why you all need to go now and call your moms, and say thanks.

Because we have all been ungrateful little shits at one time or another, whether we realize it or not.

Did I mention our 3 hour drove home turned out to be over 5?

So here is your reminder, mom may not have been perfect, but damn, trust me, did she try her hardest.

In the meantime I will be glued to my couch planning the next trip, with high expectations.



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