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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Nudity and Motherhood.

I will never forget while on my high school Swim Team, talking to teammates, my towel fell off as I was trying to change. I screamed, mortified, that all 95 pounds of me had been exposed. I love how men think women all have these insane locker room rituals. Nope, we are more like a bunch of Nuns. We aren't trying to shampoo each others hair buck naked. In reality we are trying to put our clothes on under a towel while praying no one sees a damn thing, and during this day, a task I had failed miserably at.

Fast forward to post childbirth. I swear I could drop my drawers in my local grocery store and barely raise my own eyebrows. I have gone a whole day with my fly down only to apologize to a random stranger as I zip up. Or that middle button open while wearing a button down shirt.

Something happens to a woman when she has a kid that makes her 'who gives a fuck' meter go off the charts. There is something about being splayed out like a Hannibal Lector victim during childbirth whether natural or C-section, that makes you not care about who sees whatever it is you have going on.

I remember being mortified buying tampons as a teenager. Fast forward to post childbirth where I am loudly asking where I can find the Depends. Having children does something to your brain, it not only makes you forget EVERY DAMN THING, it also makes you care less about yourself, and what people may think of you.

And is it me or does having a kid make you so emotional!?

I remember my Dad and I laughing at my Mom as she would cry at every Hallmark movie she watched. Now I cry at COMMERCIALS!

Karma really is a bitch.

Anyways I completely forgot where I am going with this...

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