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  • cynthiafoustvenner


It is very easy to hear a story and draw a conclusion.

It is actually very hard, to try and understand, the truth.

Especially when we know one side more than the other.

We perceive what we want.

We believe what we are told, from the side we want to believe.

We trust in what we hear.

But do we really know the truth?

Do we really know what is going on?

We hear a story.

We form an opinion, based on the side we like more, love more, trust more, relate to more.

But do we truly know what we formed an opinion of?

No. We formed an assumption based on what we have been told. By a person we correspond to more.

We are a third party.

Hearing one side, perhaps seeing another, but not getting the whole picture.

I recently heard something that blew my mind.

But what I can't say, is that it was surprising.

What it did was, validate me to the core.

Everything that has been happening lately, has been a tremendous set of affirmations to me.

It has all made me realize I was not in fact crazy, or needy, or terrible.

But has shown me I was enlightened.

I was in fact used, abused, and far from crazy.

I am starting to see this all too clearly.

Karma has a crazy way of showing up.

Just when you least expect it.

But I had the welcome mat ready.

Glad I did.



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