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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Right Direction.

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

What is the "right direction" in which our lives should advance?

What makes us know how we should proceed, or conversely not, in living our lives?

What signals should we listen to?

What signs should we ignore?

What tells us where we should be?

Or rather who we want to be, or should be?

Is it our instincts?

Our education?

Our friends and acquaintances?

Our parents?

Social influences?

Or today, in this day of social media, what "influencers?"

Is it the cheerleaders, or the naysayers, that dictate what we do, where we go, and whom we become?

Perhaps a mix of both.

Is it the support around us, or lack thereof, that guide us and procure where we end up in this unknown thing called life?

I am offering up the meager suggestion that it is the care we receive, guidance we get, the patience exhibited from those around us who are willing to cheer us on, the failures we allow ourselves to have, and the humility that we grant ourselves to get back up, that ultimately lead us to our destination.

These are the things that map our route.

Navigate our development.

It is within that odyssey...we will arrive somewhere, and become someone.

Just don't forget within that plan and pilgrimage, to retain a desire to be better to those around you.

So Strive.

And Aim.

We are all in this mess together.

This migration through life.

Yet, treasure the idea of being kind along the way.

At the end of the day, that is the best thing you can ever be.

Also, don't forget to apologize to others, and, TO YOURSELF, if you screw up along the way.

Be gentle with your heart.

It will be OK.

But know, it won't always be easy.

Nothing worth having in this life usually comes without pain, and some lessons.

It takes some straight up hard ass effort.

Rock solid work.

Be tender with yourself.


Works in progress take time.

And accept that not everyone wants a ticket to your ride, and comprehend that may be to acceptable.

But recognize, that is to their deficit.

Not yours.

Celebrate your cheerleaders.

And don't forgoe being one to others.

And throughout it all, keep on keeping on.

Our reasons, and our navigational routes may not look the same, but let those who doubted, be surprised when you prove them wrong.

In every way.

And when you become whatever it is you desire, don't be afraid to show them their loss.

Conversely, thank the ones who didn't stop believing in you, and kept their faith in you.

Evolution isn't always pretty.


You will get there.

We all will.

It just takes time.



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