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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Trash and Treasure.

After a lifetime of what seems like a never ending apology tour, I have realized I am done saying sorry.

Ok, most likely not completely, but done for now.

I am finished feeling like I am not enough.

Over the idea of being too much.

Tired of the idea that my thoughts and needs and wants are asking too much.

This weekend I partook in one of my favorite pastimes, shopping.

Even better, was that it was shopping from others peoples collections.


A field of antique dreams.

I have come to understand the truth that lies beneath the saying, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

I have come to appreciate that this sentiment lays true within all realms of life.

From shopping to relationships.

One persons "not enough", is a prize to be admired by another.

We only get one life.

What we do get however, are multiple chances.

We are offered a myriad of times we can pivot during our lifetime.

Afforded the opportunity to change direction.

Choose a choice someone else had grown tired of, or perhaps was no longer deemed worthy to be in their life, their World.

Buy that vase that didn't quite fit into the previous owners life.

Create a new space for it. It's your turn to admire it, enjoy it and smile.

Look at someone with a renewed sense of what they donate to the Universe, even though their previous partner didn't agree.

And in this choice we may find the greatest treasure of all.


Our worth.

Our gift.

So while we get merely one life, we get a million chances, choices, and options as to how we want to live it.

So go forth without apologies and find your treasures.

Hell, maybe someone will find you theirs.



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