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  • cynthiafoustvenner

Wild And Crazy.

Updated: Jan 3

Today I lived on the edge.

Took incredible chances.

Not all heroes wear capes.

I stopped my daily binge of Tik Tok and mustered up the courage to do the unthinkable.

I decided to hit up Costco three days before Christmas.

First off let me say I should have packed a hiking stick because of how far away I had to park.

Indicator number one that this was going to be an adventure.

Once I approached the entrance an hour later, I had to jump dive to get one of the last carts they had.

Indicator number two that this wasn't going to be as fun as what I imagined in my head.

This Costco is normally pretty busy but today felt like black Friday at a Walmart.

More people bumped into my car than I could count.

Plus they didn't even have what I had went there to get.

However Costco tends to tell me what I need, and as usual, it wasn't cheap.

The air they pump into that place must be the same stuff they use in Vegas.

Everything in that store looks so much better than what I have at home.

I spent 20 minutes alone ogling air fryers.

Mind you, I have one at home but these ones looked so much cooler.

Don't worry Mom I didn't buy one.

I can hear her now yelling, stop it!

Trying to navigate those cumbersome carts through the masses was no easy feat either.

You can call me Danica Patrick now.

Now that I think of it, I don't know how I racked up such a bill.

All I can think of at this moment was that I bought Pirates Booty.

Anyways, I felt like an American hero.

Bravely pushing my cart through the masses towards freedom away from the mania.

So with that being said, here is my PSA, if you can, get anything out of the way in the next 24 hours, because the chaos will get worse.

You're welcome.



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